Friday, October 12, 2012

Further proof......

that I have not just been goofing off for the last year. Well....maybe a little, but had productive spurts too.
I learned to make my own laundry liquid. It works really well and saves me a ute load of cash. Gotta love that!
And my own bath soap after a totally diabolical first attempt which involved a can of Draino. Whoda thunk it?
Had a double birthday celebration for two grandbabies before they set off on a wonderful holiday to America.
Taught myself how to crochet around a handkerchief.  Probably would have worked better with the right colour cotton but you know how I hate to wait around for things ie next day to buy right colour cotton.
Went on a weekend ride to Tenterfield which pleased Bill the Builder no end. B the B nearly bawled had a few anxious moments when he discovered the battery on the bike was flat but he soon fixed that and off we went. A good time was had by all!
Channelling biker chick and failing dismally. Check out the grimace! Doncha love helmet hair??

Read a great tip here the other day about cutting the bottom of a bunch of wilting celery and standing it in water to revive it. Ditto lettuce. Since I had both dying a slow death in the bottom of the fridge, I decided to give it a go. And it worked!
SIL did the pop-in later on in the day and we had a lovely chat. After he left, he came back about a half hour later with a gorgeous bunch of flowers. I was so touched.

After talking to DD later that night, turns out SIL felt very sorry for me because I was trying to brighten up with place with celery and lettuce so he went out and bought me flowers! How sweet is he?

I've had this top done for a little while now. It was from Quilter's Magazine and is in Robyn Pandolph fabric which I love. Turned out to be a bit brighter than in the magazine but I still love it.

Check out these mitres!! Am I any good, or what?? Actually, all credit goes to the every patient Lynda who helped me to do it and she hardly rolled her eyes at me at all!
It is sitting on a king bed so I'm not sure whether it will fit on my quilt frame or not. I'm working up to quilting it for Mum's birthday. Need backing and batting and was working up to getting that this week, but haven't made it so far. Intended to pick it up after I dragged ferried Mum to the doctor this morning but ended up going for coffee instead.


  1. Your own laundry liquid...great the quilt....

  2. Love the quilt...and those mitres! Well done.......I am sure there wasn't too much eye rolling fom Lynda :)

  3. OMG I was worn out just reading your post. You have been busy with all sorts of things...
    Love the quilt and what great mitred corners... Well done..

  4. lovely post i keep reading about making it and soap will have to have a go have a great weekend
